


E世博ESBALL的学生平等计划致力于促进多样性, 包容, and equity while promoting a campus learning environment that encourages and 支持 all students in persisting toward their educational goals by increasing their retention and graduation rates. The 学生权益计划 champions the rights of all students to meaningful educational opportunities and works to define and secure the full range of resources, 支持, and services necessary to provide these opportunities to disproportionately impacted students.

The 学生权益计划 also provides leadership and account能力 to resolve systemic inequities for all Butte College students through engaged research, 社区外展, 专业发展, and by expanding pathways for access and success and promoting a healthy and engaging campus climate.


  • 不列颠哥伦比亚省的繁荣

    问题# 1 问题# 2 问题# 3 问题# 4

  • 会议的机会

    学生可以获得学生权益基金参加学术会议. Some of the conferences that students have attended in the past include the Immigrant Youth Empowerment Conference, 历史黑人学院和大学之旅, 非洲黑人会议, 加州美洲印第安人教育会议, 以及非裔美国男性教育网络与发展会议. 如果学生有兴趣参加与股票相关的学术会议, 他们应该联系学生公平项目协调员Yvette Zúñiga at zunigayv@jordanl.com 

  • 文化意识实践共同体

    The 文化意识实践共同体 is a year-long 专业发展 program designed to assist faculty and staff in better understanding and fully meeting the needs of culturally diverse students and colleagues. The seven once-a-month sessions focus on 1) exploring critical concepts related to race, 性别, 性, 能力, 和类, and 2) providing practical strategies for supporting students and colleagues at the intersections of marginalized identities. The program aims to foster a culture of inclusiveness and to create a more welcoming campus environment for students of color, 残疾学生, 酷儿学生. Individuals who go through the program will increase their awareness of histories of oppression, 建立参与社会正义工作的能力, 审视自己的信仰和身份. The 文化意识实践共同体 meets once a month for an academic year beginning in September. 请与劳拉·拉波佐-戴维斯联系 rapozo-davisla@jordanl.com if you are interested in joining the next 文化意识实践共同体 cohort.

  • 会议的机会

    Staff are encouraged to apply for student equity funds to attend equity-related conference opportunities. 一些有资格获得资助的会议包括:

    • 美国拉美裔高等教育协会.

      The American Association of Hispanics in Higher Education (AAHHE) addresses issues and concerns affecting Hispanics, 重点是高等教育.

    • 加州美洲印第安人教育会议

      Advocate for academic excellence and educational opportunities for Native American families, 教育工作者, 部落首领, 董事会成员.

    • 西班牙裔服务机构教育工作者联盟

      恒生指数/Title V Best Practices Conference: Building and Sustaining Powerful Partnerships for Student Success at 恒生指数s

    • 加州社区学院教育学院教师协会

      Equity-Minded Counselors Conference focuses on the role counselors play in the student equity initiative and provides information on best practices and strategies aimed at improving outcomes for all students regardless of race, 种族, 或者社会经济背景.

    • 西班牙裔大学协会 & 大学

      HACU’s Annual Conference provides a unique forum for the sharing of information and ideas for the best and most promising practices in the education of Hispanics.

    • 多元化领导力研究所

      教授学员动手操作, 培养文化竞争力的实用技能, 欢迎多样性, 增加团结和包容.

    • 多样性和包容性办公室

      全国种族多样性会议 & Learning offers a multi-leveled examination of "diversity" as a concept and its implementation within institutions of higher education, 企业界, 宗教界, 更大的社区, 包括公共服务.

    • 全国种族会议 & 美国高等教育中的种族问题

      A dynamic annual conference held over five days that builds a community of 包容; it is a place for building skills, 联盟, 以及高等教育中有关种族和民族问题的知识.

    • 加强学生的成功

      The 加强学生的成功 Conference provides a unique opportunity for a wide cross-section of people to gather and brainstorm ways to strengthen institutional effectiveness and student learning.

    • 种族主义复原力会议

      Explore mind science concepts such as implicit bias and racial anxiety to help us understand and ameliorate racism in all its manifestations.

    • 炒研讨会

      多样性培训师和教育者的跨文化促进技巧 & 治疗师:五天强化治疗

  • 教师探究与研究联盟(FAIR)课堂

    我们所有的学生都带着改变人生的希望来到我们这里, 梦想, 和目标, and we want to believe that all of our students leave our classrooms one step closer to achieving them, 但情况并非总是如此. System-wide and college-level data suggests that our institution does not offer the same opportunities to all student groups. 公平课堂计划为教师提供了一个独特的机会:

    • Access data about how different groups of students are performing in your specific courses

    • 开发和使用探究流程来提高学生的参与度和完成度

    • 学习其他教育领导者使用的公平思想课堂实践

    • 与志同道合的教师建立一个支持社区

    Participation in FAIR Classrooms requires a commitment to four four-hour Friday sessions during the semester. 参与的全职教师有资格获得 .5个单位的长寿信用,或津贴,或17个小时的FLEX(你自己选择). Here are a few comments from Butte college faculty currently going through the program:

    “今天的聚会讨论很有启发性! I was especially blown away with the information and discourse regarding the syllabus. Over the years with all the ‘legalistic’ language faculty has been required/strongly encouraged to incorporate into our syllabus (often from administration or from past challenging student behavior), 我觉得人性被从我的教学大纲中抹去了! 下学期我的教学大纲要彻底重新设计!”

    “The conversations about specific student populations and specific aspects of our practices have been inspirational. My notes are filled with concrete new ideas for assignments and activities I may use that are oriented towards achieving equity-related goals. There is also a very valuable level of motivation within this group and during our sessions. 使人恢复活力,令人兴奋,有目的.”

    如果你有兴趣参加公平课堂计划, 请通过电子邮件联系学生权益主任莫妮卡·布朗 brownmo@jordanl.com 或致电 (530) 893-7737.

  • 文化意识实践共同体

    The 文化意识实践共同体 is a year-long 专业发展 program designed to assist faculty and staff in better understanding and fully meeting the needs of culturally diverse students and colleagues. The seven once-a-month sessions focus on 1) exploring critical concepts related to race, 性别, 性, 能力, 和类, and 2) providing practical strategies for supporting students and colleagues at the intersections of marginalized identities. The program aims to foster a culture of inclusiveness and to create a more welcoming campus environment for students of color, 残疾学生, 酷儿学生. Individuals who go through the program will increase their awareness of histories of oppression, 建立参与社会正义工作的能力, 审视自己的信仰和身份. The 文化意识实践共同体 meets once a month for an academic year beginning in September. 请与劳拉·拉波佐-戴维斯联系 rapozo-davisla@jordanl.com if you are interested in joining the next 文化意识实践共同体 cohort.

  • 会议的机会

    Faculty are encouraged to apply for student equity funds to attend equity-related conference opportunities. 一些有资格获得资助的会议包括:

    • 美国拉美裔高等教育协会.

      The American Association of Hispanics in Higher Education (AAHHE) addresses issues and concerns affecting Hispanics, 重点是高等教育.

    • 加州美洲印第安人教育会议

      Advocate for academic excellence and educational opportunities for Native American families, 教育工作者, 部落首领, 董事会成员.

    • 西班牙裔服务机构教育工作者联盟

      恒生指数/Title V Best Practices Conference: Building and Sustaining Powerful Partnerships for Student Success at 恒生指数s

    • 加州社区学院教育学院教师协会

      Equity-Minded Counselors Conference focuses on the role counselors play in the student equity initiative and provides information on best practices and strategies aimed at improving outcomes for all students regardless of race, 种族, 或者社会经济背景.

    • 西班牙裔大学协会 & 大学

      HACU’s Annual Conference provides a unique forum for the sharing of information and ideas for the best and most promising practices in the education of Hispanics.

    • 多元化领导力研究所

      教授学员动手操作, 培养文化竞争力的实用技能, 欢迎多样性, 增加团结和包容.

    • 多样性和包容性办公室

      全国种族多样性会议 & Learning offers a multi-leveled examination of "diversity" as a concept and its implementation within institutions of higher education, 企业界, 宗教界, 更大的社区, 包括公共服务.

    • 全国种族会议 & 高等教育中的种族问题

      A dynamic annual conference held over five days that builds a community of 包容; it is a place for building skills, 联盟, 以及高等教育中有关种族和民族问题的知识.

    • 加强学生的成功

      The 加强学生的成功 Conference provides a unique opportunity for a wide cross-section of people to gather and brainstorm ways to strengthen institutional effectiveness and student learning.

    • 种族主义复原力会议

      Explore mind science concepts such as implicit bias and racial anxiety to help us understand and ameliorate racism in all its manifestations.

    • 炒研讨会

      多样性培训师和教育者的跨文化促进技巧 & 治疗师:五天强化治疗